Who We Are
Since 2010, Indentured Geek has been designing the very best in Desktops, and setting the bar for high-speed processing.
In 2005, our earliest efforts factored the Googol (one followed by 98 zeros and another one.) This was not a record but marked a change in emphasis from merely expanding large numbers in decimal.
In 1991, our founder multiplied the factors of Fermat’s 9th number in decimal to provide a decimal expansion that Mathematica, the Arbitrary Integer Arithmetic of the late 80s, could not expand. Before that, Dr Arjen Lenstra’s factorization was accepted because each factor returned a remainder of zero when it was divided into intermediate products.
In 2010, he joined the G(reat) I(nternet) M(ersenne) P(rime) S(earch,) and became interested in enhanced performance, starting Indentured Geek.
At present, Indentured Geek boasts over 175,000 Gigahertz days of processing on Mersenne.org, and one Mersenne factor. This includes checking more than 800 exponents during ten years of participation. Over 400 of them represent double-check work, a necessary part of the project.